Goal Setting for Success

Jun 15, 2020

How are your 2020 goals coming along?

 Given that the world has changed completely since January 1, I suspect you have thrown them out the window by now!

 You likely need to revise your current 2020 goals, or start over. Don’t panic—it isn’t too late to make 2020 a banner year.

Most of us set vague goals that are without boundaries. We decide what we want to have happen, but that if often the end of it. Successful goal setting involves a lot more. Here are some tips to successful goal setting:

  1. Define Quantifiable Goals. The first step in setting business goals is determining exactly what you want to accomplish. Make sure your goal is worth your effort. Think about how you would design goals if you were certain that they would be successful. It’s important to set clear goals; you should know exactly where you want to go and you should not waiver from your target regardless of failures along the way. Be as specific and detailed as possible, so you are able to determine when you’ve reached your goal.
  2. Include your Leadership Team in the Planning Process. Not only will your leadership team have good ideas of where to go and how to get there, including them in the process creates the buy-in you need to keep them engaged. Their engagement is critical in keeping the entire organization laser focused on where you are headed.
  3. Make your Goals Specific. Once again, make sure your business goals aren’t too vague. Define your end goal and create a road map for exactly how you’re going to reach your goal. Be specific with what you want to accomplish at each check point—5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 90 days, 60 days, 30 days. You’ll achieve a great deal more than you would without these guidelines.
  4. Commit to your Goals. Make a commitment and stick with it. Once you’ve set your plan in motion, stay motivated to see your goals through to the end. Read them regularly to keep them top of mind. Read them again when you have decisions to make so that your decision is in alignment and will get you closer to your goal.
  5. Align your Entire Organization. Make sure your team knows where the business is going and how you want to get there. Align division and department goals to the goals and time frames you have envisioned. Make sure managers align performance measures to your goals.
  6. Set a Deadline. Set a deadline for achieving your goals. Goals without deadlines indicate that you are not fully committed. Determining a deadline puts your goal into context. Pick a reasonable date that isn’t too aggressive, but also not too far away.
  7. Reward Yourself. Once you’ve accomplished a goal or reached a milestone within your goal, make sure to mark the occasion for the entire organization. You’ve invested an incredible amount of time, energy and determination to reach your goal, so make sure you take a moment to celebrate your success.

If you need help making this process work with your team, let's talk.